Activities for Kids, Family

Raising Health-Conscious Kids by Cheryl Conklin

So excited to have a guest post by my internet friend Cheryl Conklin about raising health-conscious kids. She has gathered a lot of helpful and interesting information. I hope you enjoy!

raising health-conscious kids

It’s hard enough for a new parent to navigate keeping their child happy and healthy. Making
sure they’re equipped to make their own healthy decisions later in life is even more of a
challenge. By establishing good habits early on, you can ensure your child’s healthy behaviors
follow them their entire life. Here are some tips from Meggie Taylor Photography.

Lead by Example

Most parents would agree that it’s important for your child to see you as a role model. To
encourage their future ambition and determination, show them how you can work toward your
dreams. For example, if you wish to run your own business you might consider earning a
business degree online. A parent with a passion for teaching may want to get a teaching

Pursuing your goals while also parenting will show your child that you’re never too old or too
busy to further your education. It will also instill leadership qualities in them, seeing what’s
possible when one sets their mind to a task. In addition to teaching the importance of problem-
solving, leadership skills at an early age can help them develop integrity. This will allow them to
act on your lessons and pass them on later in life.

Whatever your child wishes to do with their life, Impact Parents notes that your job is to
encourage them
to succeed in doing so as long as it doesn’t harm others. Knowing that you’ll be
there to help them when they need you, no matter their ambition, will encourage them to trust
you to keep them protected. A child’s healthy upbringing starts with healthy family relationships.

Take Care of Their Physical Wellbeing

There are tried-and-true methods of maintaining good physical health: diet and exercise. On the
exercise front, getting active doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. Instead of heading to
the gym, take time to exercise at home, which can be as simple as a walk around the block or at
a nearby neighborhood park. This is made much more convenient if you happen to live in an
area with a high Walk Score (70 and above is ideal).

Also get your kids into the habit of eating fruits and vegetables for snacks rather than sweets,
saving unhealthy sweet treats for special occasions. Teach your kids to cook as early as
possible, as some experts believe children who cook are more likely to develop healthy eating
habits. When it’s time to play, go outside when the weather is nice to establish a routine of
active playtime.

When your child is at an appropriate age, speak to them about drugs and alcohol. While there
are many immediate safety concerns with these substances, their potential long-term health
hazards need to be communicated as well. You may also talk to them about limiting their
caffeine intake as certain coffee drinks can make it difficult to sleep. Establish trust with your
child so they know they can safely come to you with questions and concerns about potentially
embarrassing topics.

Regular visits to the doctor are crucial for maintaining your child’s health. These check-ups not
only help detect any potential health issues early on, but also provide an opportunity to discuss
any concerns or questions with your child’s healthcare provider. It’s important to have high
quality insurance that covers these visits, and if you don’t receive insurance through your
employer, you can find options on the ACA exchange. By prioritizing regular doctor visits and
investing in good insurance, you’re making a valuable investment in your child’s long-term
health and well-being.

Prioritize Their Mental Health

Shame Proof Parenting points out that everyone needs a calm place where they can feel safe,
and your child is no different. Your home should be a place where they’re free to express
themselves while being surrounded by healthy choices. Keeping fresh fruit in the house for
snacking, letting in calming natural light, and regularly filling the house with fresh air will give
your kids an affirming and stimulating environment.

If you ever become concerned about your child’s mental health, consider it an opportunity to
instill more healthy habits. Showing your child that there should be no shame attached to
seeking professional help such as therapy will encourage them to seek out those services when they need them later in life. Ignoring problems is no way to solve them, and your child will need
to learn that lesson in every facet of life.

Parents by and large want to do right by their children. Giving them the tools and habits for a
healthy life will put them on track to pass those tools along and be happy and successful.

Read more engaging articles on the Meggie Taylor Photography blog today!