Family, Lifestyle

Back to School Morning Routine

back to school morning routine

The back to school morning routine is one that I love and wish I continued throughout the Summer, but then It wouldn’t quite be Summer I guess! Does your back to school morning routine leave you scrambling to get to school on time or do you feel excited to get in the car with your kiddos?

Morning routines are essential for me. I sometimes fall out of routine, but my life begins to feel whole again when I get back into the daily rhythm of a morning routine. When we are in the school year, the Taylor Tots and I have the same morning routine and It helps us tremendously.

My Back to School Routine

Lay out Workout Clothes the Night Before. This helps me to be prepared for the morning. I am not a morning person by nature, so anything I can do ahead of time helps me a great deal.

Wake Up Before the Kids. It helps me tremendously to wake up earlier than the kids. When I do not do this I am jolted awake and into reality. If I wake up early, I am able to set my mindset for the day ahead, and typically I have a much better day.

Brush Teeth and Quiet Time. I usually start my day with the Bible app, but I’m awaiting my recent purchase of the Bible Recap so I can start my day without the blue light that my phone offers.

Walk or Jump on Peleton. I like to begin my day with a walk, ride or yoga. I am usually walking and listening to my latest book on Audible. Currently I am finishing The Heir Affair which is the sequel to the Royal We.

Pour a Cup of Coffee and Get Kids Ready to Walk Out the Door. By the time I’ve reached this point of the morning, I feel like i’ve had an entire day to myself. I’m awake and ready continue on with the back to school morning routine.

back to school morning routine

The Kids’ Back to School Routine

Wake up and Read or Play Quietly. We try really hard to wake up in a calm environment and without the use of screens. This doesn’t always happen obviously, but we do our best to play quietly or read books with our kids until they are both awake. Once they are both awake they can play quietly together.

Make Breakfast, Give Vitamins, and Play Bible App. Once both kids are up I don’t mind making noise in the kitchen, so Aaron or I make breakfast and give them their daily vitamins. While they are finishing up their meal, I let them play the Bible App which is so fun. Every day has a story and an activity for them.

“Clean ups” and Make Beds. Since we play in the morning, we usually make a mess. It helps me if we all clean up and make their beds before they leave.

Brush Teeth and Get Dressed. We try to accomplish all the “messy” things before they put their clothes on for the day.

Pray as a Family. Aaron and I gather with the kids before he leaves for work and he prays over our family. This has been such a wonderful ritual. I love that no matter what we’re doing or where we are in our morning routine, this makes us stop and come together as a family. We got this idea from the book Habits of the Household which are reading with our church group. It is full of amazing ways to bring the story of God into your every day life.

Gather Things and Leave. There are usually last minute items to grab like Backpacks, lunches, waters and nap-mats. Once we have everything we head out the door.

The Drive. In efforts to be intentional with our family, we love to use drive time to talk about things or listen to our toddler and his needs. I like to ask Kaden how he’s feeling each day. Once I know that we can either listen to a podcast about It (Daily Devos for Kids has a great series on emotions that has been helpful for us) or have our own conversations. Before we get out of the car, I usually have the kids repeat affirmations like “I am brave. I am loved. I am a good listener, etc.” They think it’s fun and I hope and pray that they find their identity in who the Lord says they are.


I’ve found with our kids that having a Back to School Morning routine truly helps them. They love knowing what is next, so when we do the same things every day, at some point It becomes automatic. I also love that usually we have finished everything before it’s time to go, so we have time to play with chalk or bubbles outside, to ride their outdoor cars, or play for a little longer. Then we aren’t rushed trying to load everyone up.

If you want help introducing a routine, read this post.

I hope this is helpful for your back to school morning routine! Let’s get to school on time and with a smile on our faces! We can do this!