
Valentine Book Shelf

Spent today curating a Valentines book shelf for Collie. He is 17 months old and he does not sit still. I repeat does not sit still. He loves books, but he loves moving more. It is more fun for him to grab a book and bring It to me, but not actually listen to the book in its entirety. For this reason, I have created a book shelf specifically for him, with books chosen for his attention span.

You Matter

I found this book walking through Target as us moms usually do. I love the pictures of this book! I have many books by this illustrator and this one is one of my favorites! The kids too. It’s not exactly a Valentine’s book, but It is about how much you matter no matter what. And, I feel like that sums up loving yourself and knowing that you are worth loving. That’s why I put this on Cole’s shelf. Even though it’s a bigger hardcover book, there are few words which makes It great for Collie.

I Love You Through and Through

This one is so fun to read with Cole. It talks about your toes and your nose, so we take turns pointing to each other’s toes and noses. He loves It and laughs, which of course makes my heart so happy!

Daddy Hugs

Daddy Hugs is a cute read too! And, It is the perfect way to practice counting and numbers, too!

Guess How Much I Love You

This classic is adorable! Honestly, this is probably the longest of all of the books on this list. It is a little difficult for Cole to sit through, but he still loves It! He brings It to me all the time. And, It is one of my personal favorites from when I was little. I love to tell the boys “I love them this….. much.”

Families Belong

This book is about why families belong together. And, I guess again not explicitly a Valentine’s book, but at this age we spend Valentine’s together as a family. This book was given to Cole by the Dolly Parton library and It is so cute, as all the books have been!

Snuggle Puppy

I’m sure you’ve read at least one of Sandra Boynton’s books. She is great! I don’t know how she does It, but both of my kids liked her board. books the most! Some of them are completely worn through. Snuggle Puppy is a favorite of Coles. It is basically read like a song which is so cute.

Little Blue Truck Valentine

Aren’t the Little Blue Truck Books the best?? This Valentine edition does not disappoint! And, have you heard that there is a new Little Blue Truck book out just in time for Valentine’s baskets… Little Blue Truck Makes a Friend.

I Love You, Little Pookie

Another Sandra Boynton book, and another sweet board book. Collie loves to turn the pages on this one!

I hope you enjoyed Cole’s Valentines Book Shelf! These are our tried and Trues. Since I took this photo, Cole has also added the book I Love You To The Moon And Back. it’s really cute because he realizes that the photos are of a baby bear and a mama bear, and he always points to the mama bear and says “mama” and then taps me and says “mama”. I love It and my heart melts.

Personally I don’t think there is a better way to spend one on one time with your littles. You get to snuggle up together with them in your lap. They feel safe to tell you all sorts of things and you learn so much about them! It’s fun to see Cole learn new things as he grows up and enjoys books.