
Valentine’s Book Shelf Pt. 2

I have two kids, so It’s only natural I would share two different Valentine Book Shelves! If you missed Cole’s Valentine Book Shelf, click here. His shelf was perfect for the wiggly toddler with a short attention span. However, this book shelf is great for the toddler who loves a good picture book. These books require a little more attention than the others, but they are so entertaining and provided us with a few good laughs as well!

Just In Case You Ever Wonder

Don’t read this to your child unless you want to cry. It expresses so well how much we love our children and how we will always be there for them. I can hardly make It through this book, but It is a pure gem. Truly.

Rhyme Time Valentine

Kaden loved this story because of all the rhymes. We had a few giggles and he asked for this book multiple times. This was one we found at the library and he loved It!

This is NOT a Valentine

This is a cute Valentine story about how It is “not” a Valentine. It’s sweet and simple.

Valentine Surprise

This cute story inspired an art project in our house. It was so fun because at the end of the book, Kaden said let’s make a Valentine Surprise for Daddy when he comes home! Of course we did… see the link here.

You Are My Happy

This is a great little story about gratitude and happiness. Love this sweet story! It was a gift and we love It!

Love you Forever

This is a classic! I love reading this to Kaden because he has started to sing the words back with me… “I’ll love you forever, i’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be”. He also loves to point out that the toddler is Cole (the one pulling the toilet paper and flushing the watch) and he has so many questions about the teenager… I mean don’t we all?? This one is fun for us to read together!

I’ll Love You Till the Cows Come Home

MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!! This book is the cutest book! Not only are the words so sweet, but the illustrations and colors are adorable. There is something so magical about this book… your kids will want to read It again and again… and so will you!

Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink

This wins my favorite explicitly Valentine’s book! It is so funny!! Aaron, Kaden and I have all had a good many laughs reading this book! I mean the title alone makes you giggle.

To Read the First Valentine Book Shelf Click Here