
Stocking Stuffer ideas for Kids

Are you looking for stocking stuffer ideas for kids? I have some amazing ideas for you!


Personally, I love getting essentials and let’s face It, kids do too! Kaden gets excited about anything new. So I don’t feel bad or “not exciting” when I get things that he actually needs.

Socks and Underwear// I used to always get this in my stocking and It was great! Especially when I got a soft, fuzzy pair of “wear around the house socks”

Toothbrush and Toothpaste// There are so many different kinds of toothbrushes out there but I decided to try the U-shaped brush for Kaden (3) this year and a small soft bristled brush for Cole (1)

Bath Bombs// These are my absolute favorite bath bombs for the kids because they are made with safe ingredients, they smell amazing, and they come in cute shapes or have toys inside! Daisy Encens are our favorites! Use Code MEGGIETAYLOR20OFF for a discount!


Yoto Cards// We got Kaden a Yoto player this year, so It was fun to buy different cards to stuff in his stocking! If you haven’t heard of the Yoto, It is a screen free listening device (essentially radio player) for kids where they can listen to books, music or podcasts. They control what they listen to by placing the cards in the players. So, each card has a different story or music on It. I’m so excited about this! We chose the travel size player for ease in the car and on planes.

Headphones// These may be fun to purchase to stick out of the stocking for your kids if It is something they need.


Snacks or Candy// What are your child’s favorite snacks or candy?? We will be putting Annie’s fruit bunnies and Dum Dums in the boys stockings this year. They love them!

Activities, Toys And Crafts

This may be my favorite idea, but I think this year I will be putting a disposable camera in Kaden’s stocking! He loves to take photos, and I think he will love taking pictures with his very own real camera.

Activities// There are so many fun, pocket size activities that you can find for your kiddos. Fat brain has some fun toys, like squigs that would be great for a stocking. Also, pop-its, Lacing activities and musical instruments can all by fun and stimulating toys!

Crafts// Have you seen all of the fun craft kits?? You can give a kit to make your own pet rock, a mini play-doh kit, or Chunkies and long rolls of coloring paper are great ideas. You could even DIY your “make a pet rock” kit or a “mini play-doh kit”. Stickers are always a good idea too!

What are you going to use as your stocking stuffers this year? I can’t wait to see!