Blair + Courtney’s Winter Maternity Photos

Blair + Courtney’s Story
For the first time, I sent out a little questionnaire after Blair and Courtney’s Winter maternity photos. The questionnaire asked simple questions about their pregnancy and how they found out they were pregnant. After reading their story, I was brought to tears. Undoubtedly, everyone has a different journey to becoming pregnant, different emotions, different hurdles to overcome, but when you get there, the result is sheer magic.
Blair and Courtney had been trying to get pregnant for several months, with several negative tests. Blair had gone on a trip and Courtney was so hopeful that she would be able to surprise him with a positive test, but that was not the case. After he returned home, Courtney told him the yet again discouraging news. She did explain that it was possible she took the test too early. Even though Courtney had fully accepted that it could be another month until they got pregnant, Blair encouraged her to pick up one more pregnancy test when they were at Target.
When they got home, she immediately took the test and was so elated to see two lines… a POSITIVE test!! Afterwards, she ran outside to tell Blair the good news and they both cried tears of joy!
I especially love their story! It brought tears to my eyes. I know the struggles of getting pregnant and this little miracle is exactly that… a miracle. I am so excited for Blair and Courtney to hold their little one in their arms.

It’s a Boy
They are having a boy! His name is Jett Britt Johnson and the middle name is especially important to them because It was Blair’s father’s name who they lost back in October. What a nice way to carry on his memory.
Blair and Courtney’s Winter maternity session was a joy to photograph! You can see the love between them! I hope you enjoy their photos! See more Maternity photos here.

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